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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tuberculosis in Children beyond recognition

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com-TB in children differs from adults. Diagnosis of the disease is far more difficult in children because clinical symptoms difficult to recognize or similar symptoms of other diseases.

As stated in the talk show themed Prevent TB Drugs organized Invulnerability Dr Friendship, Tuesday (20/04/2010).

Tuberculosis (TB) is a direct infectious disease caused by TB bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Most of the TB germs attack the lungs, but can also be related to other organs.

Child Specialist Doctors Tjatur Sagoro Strong, said the symptoms of tuberculosis (TB) in children is not unique in character. "Symptoms of cough, fever up and down is not too high, night sweats, weight loss, abnormalities in the lungs on thoracic images, and swollen glands are a symptom of tuberculosis in adults, does not necessarily mean that tuberculosis in children," said Tjatur .

Moreover, there is a chesty child or children prone to respiratory tract or respiratory symptoms are usually characterized by coughing and breathing sounds. "If you do not understand tuberculosis in children, so there were signs it, usually said to tuberculosis. Though, not necessarily," he said.

The main tool for strengthening the diagnosis of tuberculosis in children is the tuberculin test or better known as mantouk tests, ie by injecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins in the forearm to ensure that children infected with tuberculosis or not the child. Then see the reaction in the skin inflammation.

According Tjatur, tuberculosis in children is not contagious, so children do not exiled. TB germs in the child develops in the lungs or the lymph does not open. In contrast to bacteria in adults who developed the da in the lungs. Germs and then make a hole to escape through the respiratory tract that can spread to the outside.