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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

determine pregnancy sex positions

determine pregnancy sex positions

KOMPAS.com addition fertile period, there are some things you need to know a couple who are longing for offspring, one of which is the position of lovemaking. Learn from Dr. Achmad tipsnya Mediana, SPOG, obstetrics and gynecology specialists from Medical Care Hospital Kemang, South Jakarta, the following:
- Avoid stress
During sex, forget it difficult to get pregnant bumps and want to quickly get pregnant. "Husbands and wives should enjoy sex to get pregnant quickly," he said. This theory is based on the findings that while women have an orgasm, it becomes alkaline in the vagina. This condition is preferred by the sperm.
- Orgasm same
Some sources say that during orgasm in women, the vagina is experienced as sucking movements, where movement of sperm is advantageous because the sperm can get sucked into. This is advantageous because the task of sperm to swim toward egg cells to be closer.
- Position based forms of cervical
Forms of lovemaking positions determine a woman's womb is fit for conception. For those who shape her womb antrofleksi (bending forward), any position will facilitate the travel of sperm into the egg.
However, for those who shape her womb retrofleksi (bending backwards), which suggests the kneeling position (menungging) or doggy style position. This position will help "drive" the sperm as close as possible to reach the oviduct.
- Lifting a leg or hip
In addition, diligent-rajinlah wife with a pillow propping buttocks immediately after the ejaculation so that sperm flooded longer. However, one thing is no less important so that you'll get pregnant is when cleaning the vagina. Women should avoid using cleaning fluid immediately after vaginal intercourse because of vaginal cleaning fluid can be toxic to sperm and will complicate pregnancy.
- Select a convenient time
To get pregnant quickly, you do not have to have sex as often as possible. The most important thing to note is how often you have intercourse on fertile days. Too frequent intercourse would likely reduce the quality of sexual relations because of the number of mature sperm cells are not sufficient to meet the minimum standards of the sperm cells so that pregnancy can occur.