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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Emergency Acute Respiratory Syndrome

Emergency Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Adult Respiratory Intensive Care Syndrome) is a type of lung failure with a variety of different abnormalities, which resulted in the collection of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema).

Severe acute respiratory syndrome is a medical emergency that can occur in people who previously had normal lungs. Although often called acute respiratory syndrome, acute adult, this condition can also occur in children.

Could cause any disease, directly or indirectly injure the lung:

Severe and widespread infection (sepsis)


* Very low blood pressure (shock)
* Terhirupnya food into the lungs (inhaling vomit from the stomach)
* Multiple blood transfusions
* Damage to the lungs by inhaling a high concentration of oxygen
* Pulmonary embolism
* Injury to the chest
* Severe burns
* Drowning
* Operation cardiopulmonary bypass
* Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)
* Overdose of drug such as heroin, methadone, or aspirin propoksifen
* Severe trauma
* Blood transfusion (especially in very large quantity).

Symptoms usually appear within 24-48 hours after the occurrence of disease or injury.
SGPA often coincided with failure of other organs, like liver or kidneys. is one risk factor is cigarette smoking than SGPA. SGPA incidence is about 14 among 100 000 persons per year.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome occurred within 24-48 hours of the basic abnormalities.
At first the patient will experience shortness of breath, usually in the form of rapid and shallow breathing.

Due to low oxygen levels in the blood, the skin looks pale or blue, and other organs like the heart and brain function disorders. The loss of oxygen because this syndrome can cause complications from other organ syndrome occurs immediately after or several days / weeks later when the patient does not improve the situation. Loss of oxygen that lasts a long time can cause serious complications such as kidney failure. Without proper treatment, 90% of cases ended with death. When given appropriate treatment, 50% of patients will survive. Because the patient is less able to fight infection, they usually suffer from bacterial pneumonia in the history of the disease. Other symptoms that may be found:

- Anxiety, feeling his end approaching

- Low blood pressure or shock (low blood pressure accompanied by other organ failure)

- Patients are often unable to complain because it looks very painful symptoms.

On physical examination using a stethoscope, abnormal respiratory sounds (like ronki or wheezing). Blood pressure is often low and the skin, lips and nails sufferer looks bluish (cyanosis, due to lack of oxygen).
Examinations are usually done to diagnose SGPA:

* X-ray chest (indicating the accumulation of fluid in a place that should be filled with air)
* Arterial blood gases
* Calculate the blood type and blood chemistry
* Bronchoscopy.

Patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome treated in intensive care units.
Oxygen therapy is very important to correct the blood oxygen level, oxygen is often given in high concentrations (100% oxygen may be required). When oxygen delivery to the front lid not managed to overcome the problem, it is necessary to use tools respirator (ventilator). Ventilator delivering oxygen by using the pressure through a pipe inserted into the nose, mouth or trachea; pressure helps put oxygen into the blood. The applied pressure can be adjusted to help keep the opening small airways and alveoli, and to ensure the lungs do not receive excessive concentration due to excessive concentrations can damage the lungs and aggravate the syndrome. Other supportive treatment such as giving intravenous fluids or food (via infusion) is also important because dehydration or malnutrition may occur that could cause the cessation of organ function (a state known as multiple organ failure). Specific drugs given to treat infection, reduce inflammation and remove fluid from the lungs. For example, in infection are given antibiotics.