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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

RA Kartini and Disease Preeclampsia

RA Kartini and Disease Preeclampsia

Jakarta, More than a century ago, RA Kartini died because of complications while giving birth the first child and the only one. One trigger is preeclampsia, which until now is still the leading cause of death of pregnant women in addition to infection and bleeding.
Jepara home a national hero died on 17 September 1904, at a very young age of 25 years.
Technology when it may still be very limited, so princess celebrating the birthday of the 171 on this day, can not withstand that he experienced complications during childbirth.
It is ironic when compared to today's conditions. As technology and science continue to evolve, maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still relatively high starting. Data from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2007 show, AKI recorded 228 per 100 thousand live births.
If we see progress from the year 1994 which is still 390 per 100 thousand live births, it seems there is a significant downward trend. But unfortunately, the figures were still high compared to most other countries in Asia.
Compared with the target of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the above figures are still far from expectations. AKI targets to be achieved by 2015 is reduced to three quarters the maternal mortality risk, ie to 102 per 100 thousand live births.
Preeclampsia causes of maternal death number 2
Still from the IDHS data sources, hypertension during pregnancy (including preeclampsia and eclampsia) was ranked the second cause of maternal mortality in Indonesia, namely 24 percent. At the top is bleeding (28 percent), while the third is an infection (11 percent).
High blood pressure and increased levels of protein in urine that occurs during pregnancy is a condition which marked the preeclampsia. These conditions often experienced in pregnancy trimester 2-3. If untreated, can trigger more severe complications including seizures, or eclampsia.
On preeclampsia symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and pain in the abdomen, especially below the ribs on the right. There also are experiencing vision loss for a moment, eyes blurred or become insensitive to light.
A shrinking volume of urine is also a sign of preeclampsia. There has also been swelling (edema) on the face and hands, and rapid weight gain up to 9 kg per week.
Some conditions are susceptible to preeclampsia, as quoted from the Mayo Clinic, Wednesday (21/04/2010) is as follows:
1. Had a history of preeclampsia
2. First pregnancy
3. Age at pregnancy less than 20 years, or more than 40 years
4. Obesity
5. Twins pregnancy
6. Pregnancies that are too far distance
7. Diabetes during pregnancy
8. Before becoming pregnant had experienced chronic hypertension, migraine, diabetes, diseases
kidney, and rheumatoid arthritis
Some things can be done to reduce the risk of preeclampsia, of whom maintain a low body weight and dietary sodium (salt). Routine prenatal care is also highly recommended. If detected early, preeclampsia will be handled better.
Although not entirely preventable, given sufficient information to pregnant mothers can at least minimize the impact worse than preeclampsia. If this can be done, then the number of Kartini, Kartini died today because the disease can be reduced.