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Thursday, May 27, 2010

The dangers of AIDS or HIV

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease that's how it works to destroy the human immune system. AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), entered into the human body. HIV is rapidly paralyze the human immune system. After the crippled immune system, a person with AIDS usually will die of a disease (called secondary disease) which usually will be eradicated by the body's immune system if it is still good. AIDS is the disease most feared at this time. HIV virus that causes this disease, damage the body's defense system (immune system), so people who suffer from this disease the ability to defend itself from disease attack reduced. Someone who is HIV positive, do not necessarily have AIDS. Many cases in which HIV-positive person but do not become ill in the long term. However, existing HIV in a person's body will continue to damage the immune system. As a result, viruses, fungi and bacteria are usually harmless to extremely dangerous because they damage the body's immune system. From a survey of people in the last 20 years more than 60 million infected with HIV virus. Of that amount, 20 million people died of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In 2001, UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV or AIDS) estimates, the number of People Living With HIV or AIDS (PLWHA) 40 million. AIDS cases were first discovered in the United States, in 1981, but the case did little to provide information about the source of this disease. Now there is clear evidence that AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV. HIV is part of a group of viruses called Lentivirus nonmanusia found in primates. Collectively, the Lentivirus is known as a monkey virus called Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). HIV is a descendant of SIV. Specific SIV types similar to the two types of HIV, the HIV-1 and HIV-2, which had attacked one of the white blood cells are lymphocytes. In Indonesia, the first AIDS case was discovered in 1987. A 44-year-old tourist from the Netherlands died in Sanglah Hospital, Bali. Stranger's death was caused by AIDS. By the end of 1987, there were six people who were diagnosed HIV positive two of them have AIDS. Since 1987 until December 2001, out of 671 people with AIDS, as many as 280 people died. HIV spread so rapidly throughout the world. Phenomena is like an iceberg in the sea, people with HIV or AIDS just looks a little on the surface. Infection with HIV or AIDS AIDS is one of infectious diseases. But not as easily transmitted as influenza virus or other virus. HIV virus can live in all human body fluids, but who has the ability to infect others with HIV only located in: blood, vaginal fluid and sperm. HIV infection or AIDS, which is known by: * Transfusion of blood from HIV. * Having sex with HIV. * A small portion (25-30%) pregnant women with HIV to the fetus. * Syringes or needles / tattoo equipment / stud that is used in conjunction with HIV or AIDS patients; and * milk of mothers with AIDS to children susuannya. Measures to prevent HIV or AIDS How to prevent the entry of a disease generally familiarize them with healthy living, ie eating healthy food, exercise, and healthy relationships. Several measures to avoid HIV or AIDS, among others: * Avoid sexual relations outside marriage and keep in touch with only one sexual partner. * Always Use a condom, especially for high risk behavior groups. * A mother whose blood was examined and found positive for HIV should not become pregnant, because it can transfer the virus to the fetus. Will wish to become pregnant when should always consult a doctor. * The people who belong to groups of high risk behaviors should not be a blood donor. * The use of puncture needles and other tools such as the acupuncture, tattoo needles, piercing needles, disposable and should only be guaranteed sterilitasnya. * Stay away from drugs, because it has been proved that the spread of HIV or AIDS among panasun (IDUs), 3-5 times faster than other risk behaviors. At Kampung Bali, Jakarta, nine of 10 HIV-positive IDUs. Wrong Perceptions About HIV or AIDS AIDS is a disease caused by the HIV virus which until now has not found drugs and a vaccine that would be truly beneficial to overcome AIDS. That is why AIDS is one of the most dreaded disease today. The emergence of the wrong assumption on the actions and attitudes relating to HIV or AIDS continues to establish the disease to be feared. Therefore, please be aware that HIV or AIDS is not transmitted through: * Working with people affected by HIV infection. * Bites of mosquitoes or other insects. * Touch of hands or hug each other. * Sex by using condoms. * Use of a meal together. * Use the toilet together. * Sprays sneezing or coughing.