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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Pre eclampsia is a leading cause of maternal death in pregnancy in the world. And in developing countries, 30% of the total child deaths at birth due to Pre Eclampsia. One possible cause is malnutrition.

Pre eclampsia is pregnancy poisoning characterized by three symptoms (Triassic Pre eclampsia) which is hypertension (high blood pressure) above 140/90 mmHg, edema (swelling) of the upper limb (hand) and bottom (legs) or whole body edema, and presence of Uriah protein (the protein in the urine of the mother).

Factors - factors that can cause pre eclampsia among pregnancies double / twin, history of hypertension, diabetes or kidney disorders, and pregnancy in adolescence or pregnancy at the age of 40 years.

High blood pressure can cause blood vessels in the uterus, which serves to give oxygen and nutrients to the fetus all shrinking. As a result, infant development was hampered.

Therefore, pre eclampsia can endanger the mother and janinya, it is very important for us to be wary of the dangers Preeclampsia, especially for high-risk mothers exposed to Preeclampsia. If not promptly treated Preeclampsia Eclampsia will be characterized by seizures and even coma. Handling can be done, among others, termination of pregnancy if the pregnancy has been quite the month or when they are very dangerous to maternal and fetal.