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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sure, you've Understanding Problem Condom?

KOMPAS.com - Awareness of people for wearing a condom is already there. But only by bringing and using a condom, does not mean the problem has been completed. For how to save and put the condom is right too, many people still do not know.

Well, if you feel you've mastered the intricacies of condoms? Try to test your knowledge here:

1. Si he should put it before the session begins to make love. In addition to preventing pregnancy, condoms also serves to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). So if your first sexual intercourse without protection, then in the middle of the road asking him put a condom just before ejaculation, of course it's useless. When the context as a protection from STDs, make sure he has put it so he took off his pants.

According to Amber Madison, consultant and author sex hooking up: A Girl's All-Out Guide to Sex and Sexuality, STDs can be spread through two ways: through the skin is infected, and infected body fluids. The penis is not shielded and vagina touches will make you get PMS type whatever diidap couples.

2. Use of female condoms. If you're tired of every time to remind couples to use condoms (or the her including antikondom), wear only the female condom. If man is made of latex condoms, female condoms made of polyurethane. This material is safe for a man who is allergic to latex.

Female condom is shaped like a cylinder, with an elastic ring at both ends. To use, insert tip of a small ring into the vagina, so that vaginal condoms coated with the material. Open a large ring end, and insert a penis into it. Use of oil-based lubricants or water to the entry of more smoothly, and avoid pain.

3. Do not store condoms in your wallet. That is certainly good, so whenever you're ready for a sudden need a condom. However, condoms that have been exposed to extreme temperatures, or sinking into the bag, wallet or depressed every day, it will tear more easily. Save your condoms at home, and when you feel you'll need, take and store them in a bag. If not so used, save it back in the medicine cabinet at home.

4. Use a condom is not terlubrikasi if your vagina is sensitive. Actually, not just men who complained about the use of condoms, but also women. Condoms are often making vaginal irritation. If this happens to you, choose a condom that does not use a lubricant. But the extra wear material barium lubricant gel or water if you want a penis that has been wrapped condom slipped into the vagina more easily.

5. Although he's already wearing a condom, you still have to undergo the examination. Condoms do reduce the chances of contracting an STD, but it was not 100 percent effective. Even though he put it correctly, you can still exposed to the disease. If you feel something "peculiar" in the vagina, immediately consult your doctor. Even if everything was normal, you still should be checked for STDs regularly. If you see something unusual around the penis, do not just rely on condoms to make yourself protected. Stop having sex.