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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Menstrual blood can repair heart disease

Menstrual blood can repair heart disease

Japanese researchers recently revealed a study that gives new hope for treatment of heart disease. Even more astonishing, research indicates that menstrual or menstrual blood may someday be used to repair heart damage.
Are experts of the heart (cardiologist) from Keio University Medical School who managed to find these interesting findings. They succeeded in developing stem cells or stem cells from menstrual blood are then applied in a rat animal body.
For the study, researchers used a sample of menstrual blood from nine women and then develop it for a month in the laboratory. At this stage, the researcher seeks to find a kind of cell in the menstrual blood that can serve as stem cells.
Approximately 20 percent of the cells spontaneously began to attack each other after three days was collected in vitro culture with cardiac cells from rats. Menstrual blood cells is eventually formed sheet-like tissue of the heart muscle tissue.
Kesuksessannya average 100 times higher than the 0.2 to 0.3 percent of stem cells taken from human bone, said one researcher, Shunichiro Miyoshi.
In-vivo experimental results separately, advanced researchers, showed that mice who suffered a heart attack improved condition after receiving the cells derived from menstrual blood of this.
° in the near future, probably will create a system that will allow the women to use for their own treatment, ¨ said Miyoshi.
Using blood from the body itself, the researchers said, would solve a major problem of using these cells are the immune system that are often denied the presence of cells.
Miyoshi said menstrual blood could be used to build the supply of cells that have the identifier matches the diversity of proteins or the human leukocyte antigen tissue (HLA), which is also an important part of the human immune system.
¨ These cells can be stored for a long time in a finger-sized tube, and can be expanded as necessary, ¨ he said.
Considered a key stem cells because these cells can develop into different types of cells. Also great potential of stem cells help repair damaged cells, organs and even though jaringa.
Research was initiated on the initiative of the National Institute for Child Health and Development, was published in the online edition of U.S. journal Stem Cell. (Compass / AC)