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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

conceptual model of Martha Elizabeth Roger

conceptual model of Martha Elizabeth Roger




Martha Elizabeth Roger was born on May 12, 1914 in Dallas, Texas. He began his graduate career when he entered the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in 1931. He entered the nursing school at Knoxville Hospital in September 1933. He received his Diploma in Nursing in 1936 and received a BS from George Peabody College in Masville in 1937. In 1945 he mandapat MA degree in the field of public health surveillance of the Teaching Faculty of Columbia University, New York. He became Executive Director of nursing services in Phoenix, AZ. He left Arizona in 1951 and returned to continue school at Johns Hopkins University, MD Baltimre dg earned his MPH in 1952 and Sc.D 1954. He is on the set became Head of Department of Nursing at New York University in 1954.

Officially, he resigned as Professor and Head of Department of Nursing in 1975 after 21 years in ministry. In 1979 he retired with the title of honor by wearing Professornya world and continues to actively develop nursing until she passed away on 13 March 1994.

In theory, Martha Rogers (1970), consider the human (human unity) as a source of energy with the universe. Humans are in constant interaction with the environment (lutjens, 1995). Moreover, man is a unified whole has integrity and shows the characteristics of more than just a combination of several parts (Rogers 1970).

Complete human being is a "Four-dimensional sources of energy and manifestation of the pattern identified by specific characteristics that show the unity and which may not be reviewed on the basis of its constituent parts" (Maminer - Toey, 1994).

The four dimensions used by Martha E. Rogers was a source of energy, openness, orderliness, and organizing, and four human dimensionalitas used to determine the principles on how to grow.


To increase the knowledge about the Model Theory of Nursing by Martha E. Rogers and can apply it in nursing practice.



Martha E. According to the definition of Nursing Rogers.

Nursing is a science humanisti / humanitarian describe and clarify that an intact humans in strategies and in the development of general hypotheses by estimating the principle - the basic principles to practical science. Nursing science is the science of humanity, learn about nature and its relation to human development.

Rogers revealed that activity in the underlying principle - the principle of creativity, art and imagination. Rogers stated nursing activities are activities that are rooted in the basic science of abstract, intellectual thought, and conscience. Rogers emphasized that nursing is a discipline that emphasizes the application of skills in their activities, and technology. Nursing activities include assessment, intervention, and rehabilitative services continuously, based on the concepts of understanding the human / individual beings.

Basic Assumption

Basic theory of Rogers is a science about human origins and the universe, such as anthropology, sociology, religion, philosophy, mythology, history and development. Rogers' theory focuses on the process of human life as a whole. Nursing science is the study of human nature and human development directly.

Based on the conceptual framework developed by Roger there are five assumptions about humans, that is:

1. Human beings have a unique personality, distinct from each other in some parts. Significantly have special properties that if everything when viewed in part perbagian knowledge of a subsystem is not effective when someone noticed the properties of the system of human life. Humans will be visible when the parts are not found.

2. Assume that the individual and the environment mutually exchange energy and materials to each other. Some individuals define the environment as external factors on an individual and a single unified whole of all things.

3. That the process of human life is a permanent and mutually dependent in one continuous space of time. As a result, an individual will never come back or be as expected initially.

4. On individual behavior is an innovative form of unity.

5. Humans are characterized by having the ability to abstract, to imagine, speak the language and thinking, sensation and emotion. Of all forms of life on earth, but only humans who can think and accept and consider the extent of the world.

Based on assumptions that there are four main limitations shown by Martha E Roger:

1. Energy sources.

2. Openness.

3. Behavioral patterns.

4. Size - the size of four dimensions.

Here there are elements that are interconnected at this man and his environment. As a system of life and energy sources, individuals are able to draw energy from the environment and information and use of energy and information to the environment. Because of this exchange of individuals are open systems that underlie and limit the main assumptions Martha E Roger.

According to Martha E Roger's science of nursing are directly related to human life processes and aims to explain and predict kealamiahan and its relationship to development. To reinforce his theory Martha E. Rogers combines the concept of complete human beings with the principle that later in kemukakannya homeodinamik.

Hemodinamika principles

The theory states that the principles utilized in nursing hemodinamika to serve humans, namely:

1. Integrity (Integrality), is related to a favorable process between humans and their environment sustainably.

2. Resonance (Resonancy), this principle talked about nature and the changes that occur between humans and the environment. Resonance can be described as a wave patterns as shown by the frequency changes from low to higher frequencies in the wave of change.

3. Helicy, Principle which states that the state of nature and human relationships and the environment is sustainable, innovative, shown by the increase in types of behavioral patterns that cause human and environmental sustainability, profit, is the simultaneous interaction between humans and the environment rather than stating ritmitasi.

Comparison with Other Theories

Hemodinamika principle easier than in general systems theory. Hemodinamika principles than on the principle that helicy equifinalli and negetropi. Equifinally is an open system that may be achieved depending on the circumstances and determined by a measurement which has a goal.

Theory and the Four Basic Concepts Roger

Martha E. Roger suggested four major concepts. He presents five assumptions about people. Each person is an individual considered as a whole. Man and environment are always exchanging energy. The process that occurs in one's life can not be changed and relate to one another on the dimensions of space and time. This is a pattern of life. In the end, someone capable of speaking, thinking, feeling, emotion, thought, and separates. Humans have four dimensions, negentropik energy field can be known from the habit and is shown with the characteristics and behaviors that differ from one another and can not be predicted with knowledge of environmental science, nursing and health.

The purpose of nursing diagnosis provides a framework in nursing interventions are planned and implemented. Nursing interventions will depend on the focus of nursing diagnosis. Focus on integralitas will be implemented with the same environment on individuals. Expected to change to something that will cause a change in the other hand simultaneously separate from the world of disease. There, the problem can not be approved with the change effective in the sense generally accepted measure of disease. Creativity and imagination are very important.

Resonance states that nursing diagnosis is intended to support or modify the variation of the human life process as a whole. Because the process of human life is a fenomense.

Nursing care plan on the part helicy require individual acceptance of change strategies to enhance and modify the rhythm and purpose in life. That requires information and active participation of clients in the nursing process. mentioning the concept of human being is unique and can be recognized for his ability to feel, gives nurses the opportunity to help solve health problems and set the goal to achieve health.

1) Theory relating to the concept of creating a different way of looking at a phenomenon. Martha E Roger framework will provide an alternative in view of man and the world. Nursing theory put to use in providing services hemodinamika principles of human needs or way of looking at nursing from one side. Examples are the principles that emphasize helicy habit patterns and rituals.

2) The theory must be reasonable, sensible knowledge development is an important development of the logical cause of the assumptions on the principle hemodinamika.

3) The theory must be simple and can be socialized. The theory can be socialized since does not depend upon several circumstances. It was stated by Martha E Roger human conception is very simple. While providing links in the understanding. Added to this theory based on the use of open systems are very complex.

4) The theory is based on hypotheses and testable.

5th) The theory of giving and helping stem the increase in scientific disciplines, through research, so the theory is valid.

6) The theory can be used as a guide and improvement in practice.

7) The theory should be consistent with other legal theory, law and principles but should avoid open-ended questions that need to be examined.

Component in the process of hemodynamic principles of nursing

Integrality Resonancy Helicy

The assessment component of the interaction between indvidu Nursing Review and the environment, how both of them affect each other varied events during the review process of life review ritmisasi pattern of life and environmental changes in time and changing needs that occur during the life of a rhythmic pattern changes assess purpose in life.

Components of Nursing Diagnosis Combination Describing the energy field between individuals and their environment Describes the life processes that vary as individuals who complete Describing the rhythmic pattern between the individual and the environment.

Component Plan and Implementation of Nursing Creating the best environment for individuals Supports good or modifying individual variation in the context of life processes fully support the dynamic creation of a rhythmic pattern between the individual and the environment. Receive the difference as the rapid evolution

Evaluation Components of Nursing Evaluating changes in the integration of environmental and individual Evaluating modifications were made in variations of human life processes Evaluating the rhythmic pattern of the individual and the environment. Evaluating the results expected

Using Roger Principles in Nursing Process

Principles - principles hemodinamika gave instructions to find out the relationship between the development of the individual with nature as a healthy response-related problems.

Success using the principles hemodinamika necessary considerations involving both nurses and nurse and the client in the process of nursing. If something beyond the individual is part of the environment, the nurses became part of the client environment.

Nursing work with clients not for clients. These include the nursing process by showing that nurses pay attention to humans as a whole, not just one aspect, one problem, or just limited to the fulfillment of their needs.

Martha E. Relationship of Nursing Theory Rogers Nursing Research

Abstract conceptual model of Martha E Rogers pointed directly related to the research and development of nursing science. The conceptual model provides direction and stimulus for such scholarly activities. Rogers' nursing model shows how unique realities of the profession of nursing. Researchers who have such assumptions and understanding the concept of Martha E Rogers will find get a clear view on what kind of real work as a nurse. Clear in concept Martha E Roger indicated that the critical needs in nursing is a knowledge base in nursing research activities.

Martha E. Relationship of Nursing Theory Rogers Nursing Education

In 1963, Rogers sparked the idea to re-establish undergraduated program and graduated in nursing education. This is done as a reflection on the evolution of changes in the science of nursing. Consistency of the definition he gave to nursing that nursing is a profession that in the study, unique and having a rod body of knowledge, he strongly recommends for nurses to pursue education in nursing.

Martha E. The relationship of nursing theory Rogers Nursing Practice

Martha E Rogers revealed that he took from concept theory is likely to be implemented in nursing practice. Malinski (1986) noted that there are seven trends in nursing practice, which are all based on the concept put forward the theory that the Martha E Rogers.

1) Giving full authority in the nurse client relationship

2) Receive a reasonable difference as something

3) Adjustment to the pattern

4) Using modalities such as light waves of music, movement in the healing process.

5) Indicates a positive change

6) Expanding the assessment phase of nursing process

7) Receive a comprehensive relationship in life.

Nursing Process Chart Illustration Dynamism Martha E. Rogers

To illustrate the dynamism of the process in nursing, Rogers illustrated in chart form as follows:

Human Environment

Consistently healthy individuals associated with

Doing prosperous energy exchange with the individual

Professionals provide services to all people, to maximize the health potential of the interaction between humans and the environment

Concepts drawn from human studies and observations that provided the foundation for the conceptual model

Conceptual Theory

The concept of complete human beings:

1. Energy field

2. Openness

3. Pattern

4. Dimension

Hemodynamic principles:

1. Integrality

2. Resonancy

3. Helicy

Nursing Practice

"The goal of nursing is to help all people wherever they are and support the maximum welfare for individuals, families and groups (Rogers, 1985)"

Conceptual model of nursing focus mamberikan

Nursing science provides a knowledge base of nursing practice


Research: Knowledge and application

Theory: Developed to explain, describe and predict




In essence Martha E. Rogers looked at the nurse as the knowledge and support of nursing research. Therefore, developing nursing knowledge of science - the basic science and physiology, as well as nursing itself, nursing aims to provide the core of abstract knowledge to develop scientific research and logical analysis and apply skills in nursing practice. The core of scientific knowledge in nursing is the result of recent discoveries about the humanistic nursing.